WR: May 8 – May 14

The Final Boss - The 2nd Stage With this week over, the terror that are the AP tests have concluded. It's been a rough two weeks, full of cram studying, praying, and fretting. However, I am the one who pushed myself into this scenario and I am the only one to blame for these trials.…

WR: May 1 – May 7

The Final Boss - The First Stage This week was the first week of Advanced Placement testing. As you can see, this week was already hard enough. Yet, as you can probably tell, my worries did not end at the AP testing. For some reason, my teachers decided that it would be fantastic to add…

WR: April 24 – April 30

The Things Around Me There were a lot of stuff going on this past week, not only for me but also for many people around me. While I was going into a national certification exam, many people had their own plans to take care of. While one may be busy with his own schedule, one…

WR: April 17 – April 23

Release the Steam This past week was a four day week, which was quite the change of pace. While there were many things due, there were a few extracurricular activities that I had put myself up for which helped me blow off some steam, even if it meant less time to study. However, I realize…

WR: April 10 – April 16

The Opportunity Cost If this past week could be described by a few words, it would be a cluster of problems to deal with. As with many other students, I want to be a part of many extracurricular activities, even if they happen to overlap with each other. However, at some points in life, one…

WR: April 3 – April 9

An Approaching Entity This past week was a doozy, to say the least. With so many things to do and appointments to make, my time to get everything done was reduced. Furthermore, this was only amplified by the arrival of an unexpected event. Here's how this week went. This week was pretty stressful because I…

WR: March 27 – April 2

A Clear Path in Sight This week was similar to my previous weeks in that the workload was about the same. However, this week was very eventful and surprising. With this week having gone by so fast, I now have to start preparing for the increased workload next week. My workload, like the last week,…

WR: March 20 – March 26

A Shift in Mindset This past week was not as rough as possible, but as many weeks before have done, it tired me out. However, with the advent of the AP tests, many teachers are upping their game to prepare their students. Because of this, my time to work on my final product, visit my…

WR: March 13 – March 19

A Sudden Downpour After all the breaks I have had, I really should have learned by now. I really should have realized that just because we have had a break, doesn't mean that we are going to use at least a day or two to slowly get back into the week. Instead, as always, I was pleasantly…

WR: February 27 – March 5

Pressing on The Break This past week wasn't too hard on me. While I did have my daily dosage of tests, quizzes, and reading checks, I was able to study for them all and get through them. However, there was one thing getting to me: the lack of sleep. It had been quite a few…